
I’m Trisha Paul, a pediatric oncologist and palliative care physician in training and a writer. I completed my undergraduate degree in English and medical school education at the University of Michigan and my pediatric residency at the University of Minnesota.

This blog has chronicled my explorations through narrative medicine and the intersection between literature and medicine, particularly focusing on illness narratives. It’s been a space for me to reflect on the works that I encounter and struggle with the ideas and representations that I come across.

In parallel to my own goals in investigating illness narratives, this blog aims to promote an exploration of illness narratives in 3 arenas: learning, researching, and teaching. I hope that this blog will be a resource for students, learners, educators, and patients all approaching this field with different purposes and different perspectives.

Please feel free to contact me at trishakpaulmd@gmail.com; I’d love to hear from you.